Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lytro: dont focus, just shoot

Shoot now, focus later. That’s just the start of what you can do with a Lytro camera, the camera that captures the entire light field. With "light field", lens and image sensor technology doesn't focus on a particular subject, but instead gathers light information from different directions; processing after the fact means different aspects of the scene can be recreated.

You get a digital photo an d you can interact with it. You can focus anywhere in the picture,
change the light levels, shift their perspective of the scene, and even switch seamlessly between 2D and 3D views. With these amazing capabilities, pictures become immersive, interactive visual stories that were never before possible, according to Lytro they become "living pictures".

Recording light fields requires an innovative, entirely new kind of sensor called a light field sensor. The light field sensor captures the color, intensity and vector direction of the rays of light.

By substituting powerful software for many of the internal parts of regular cameras, light field processing introduces new capabilities that were never before possible. Sophisticated algorithms use the full light field to unleash new ways to make and view pictures.

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