Google has announced its most ambitious Facebook alternative to date. The service was launched to a limited number of users today in what Google is calling a "field trial".
Google+ allows individuals to share photos, messages and comments but also integrates the company’s maps and images into the service. In an effort to create a viable alternative to Facebook, Google+ is built around a platform dubbed Circles
, which lets you readily create multiple social networks that operate separately from one another .
Google+ might pose a serous threat to Facebook, but some analysts say Google has simply reproduced features of Facebook while adding a video chat function.

, which lets you readily create multiple social networks that operate separately from one another .
In short, Google+ is a solid start to an insurgent social networking platform that is sure to be enhanced rapidly over the coming months, and could soon offer a solid alternative to Facebook. It’s not up and running yet, but you can check out its features here.
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